Well, another year has rolled around, and the time has come again for us all to contemplate our garden activities for the coming months. Planning this is such an important part of any garden layout – remember, it’s always very beneficial to rotate crops annually. Rotating crops helps maintain or improve soil health and maintain or increase the productivity of the garden over time.

Next time you are in a garden store seeking a good all-round fertiliser for your garden, look no further than our very own “Super Charger Pellets.”

Super Charger Pellets are the latest addition to our range and are a perfect all-rounder.

This fantastic product is made up of a high nutrient blend of Chicken manure, Sheep manure, Blood and bone and humate and has all the components to make a truly great fertiliser. Super Charger is best used by mixing a handful in with soil prior to planting and this will greatly assist in replenishing nutrients used by previous crops. The addition of humate in this product will maximise all the benefits of the available nutrients.

Alternatively, Super Charger Pellets can be used as a general fertiliser on existing plants by spreading around the base.

What to plant in January:

Tomatoes, Silver beet/ Spinach, Kale, Beetroot, Chilli, Salad greens, Sweetcorn and Courgettes.

Dig in Super Charger Pellets before planting to replenish nutrients used by previous crops.

Also, take note that when humate is mixed in with a good compost, it becomes an excellent water saver as the humic in the humate acts like a sponge and can hold its own weight in water up to 7 times! And this is exactly what you need for the dry part of summer that’s just around the corner.

For potatoes or main crops still in the ground, mould up soil around the leaves to encourage more tubers and to keep the sun off them. A side-dressing of Turbo Garden Blend will give them a timely boost.

Bird netting may be required to protect the ripening tomatoes. Continue staking these and keep pinching out new laterals that appear and remember to keep plants well-watered. For the best flavour, leave the fruit to ripen on the plant.

And remember: “If it grows – it just grows better with humate!”

Happy New Year everybody and fantastic gardening😊

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